Over at the “Insert” section, you can select either “Pictures” if you have an image saved on your computer or “Online Pictures” if you want to grab one from the web. How do I center an object in the Header in Word for Mac 2011, My assumption is that the image is set to In Line & that you are referring to the Align options on the Format Picture tab of the Ribbon or those in the contextual menu Whether you’re using text in your header (or footer) or not, place your insertion point where you want to put your image and then switch to the Header & Footer Tool’s “Design” tab. The Header text would be followed by the second image inserted at a right-aligned Tab set to right margin but as I suggested, that's just one of numerous approaches & may not be best for all situations.
The first would be at the left end of the Header followed by a center-aligned Tab to the Header's text content.
Keeping Centered Headers and Footers Centered (Microsoft Word), or footer area, depending on which one you want to change.